International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2025;4(1):36-39
Review Article of Rakta Dhatu - Ayurvedic and Modern View
Author Name: Dr. Ravinder Singh; Dr. Shradha;
Paper Type: review paper
Article Information
Generally, there are seven dhatus in the body. Rakta dhatu is one of them. The term “Rakta” translates to “red” and signifies the characteristic color of blood. Pitta plays a major role in this Dhatu. When Rakta Dhatu is deficient or of poor quality, it may manifest as symptoms like anemia, fatigue, pale complexion, poor circulation, and weakened immune function. Excessive accumulation or vitiation of Rakta Dhatus can contribute to inflammation, bleeding disorders, skin disorders, and various blood-related diseases. As Rakta Dhatu is related to Pitta when it is excess the heat increases in the body and when the Dhatu depletes the heat also decreases. Rakta dhatu is a preserver of life. It is also related to Pitta dosha that’s why It is important to maintain Pitta in our body. So, this paper aims to present the details of Rakta dhatu.
Dhatu, Rakta, Doshaja, Pitta dosha
How to Cite this Article:
Dr. Ravinder Singh,Dr. Shradha. Review Article of Rakta Dhatu - Ayurvedic and Modern View. International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary. 2025: 4(1):36-39
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