International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2024;3(4):185-191
The Fundamental Study of Annavaha Srotas with Etiopathological Study of Ajirna and Its Principle Management by Pippali
Author Name: Dr. Bhagirath Prajapati; Dr. Ankolika Solanki; Dr. Nitin Urmaliya;
Paper Type: research paper
Article Information
In the current era faulty dietary habits, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, exertion, improper sleep, and less physical activity are crucial factors for diseases. All these causes interrupt the function of digestion and absorption leading to many digestive disorders. Ajirna is one of the digestive disorders. Although Ajirna is not described in Vvruhtrayee as an independent disease the description of Ajirna as a disease can be found. Ajirna is a disease as well as symptoms of maximum digestive disorders. In this we discuss about 57(62.64%) are Good, 15(16.48%) are Excellent, 14(15.38%) are Moderate and 05(05.50%) are Poor. It is assessed that the assessment criteria mentioned about the majority of the patients reflects a chronic history of Ajirna as a symptom as well as the disease so for the 100% relief of Ajirna we need a longer duration of medications. Moreover, visham and mand Agni and vata and kapha dosha imbalance hinder normal digestive function. By our observations we can conclude that patients that show good improvement were observed in 57 patients (62.64% of total patients), Excellent improvement was observed in 15(16.48% of total patients), moderate improvement was seen in 14 patients (15.38% of total patients), and poor or no improvement was seen in 05 patients (05.50% total of patients). The overall statistical analysis with the help of the paired t-test, shows a significant effect of Pippali Churna on Ajirna.
Annavaha Srotas, Ajirna, Pippali Churna, Charak, Vata, Pitta, Kapha
How to Cite this Article:
Dr. Bhagirath Prajapati, Dr. Ankolika Solanki, Dr. Nitin Urmaliya. The Fundamental Study of Annavaha Srotas with Etiopathological Study of Ajirna and Its Principle Management by Pippali. International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary. 2024: 3(4):185-191
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