International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2024;3(2):148-151
Modernization of the Real Property Registry and the National Cadastre in El Salvador: Strategic Importance
Author Name: Francisco Sorto Rivas
Paper Type: review paper
Article Information
This article briefly illustrates the journey followed in the exercise of real property rights in El Salvador, from its independence from Spain to date, as well as the material and legal conditions promoted for the registration of these rights, which are evidently fundamental for the economic growth of every society; highlighting, at the same time, the changes that have accompanied the recognition of these rights throughout a series of historical milestones and the strategic vision promoted by the rulers in power, as well as the adaptation of technological improvements in registration procedures and cadastral measurement. All this with the manifest interest of having a reliable registration system for real estate in the country (real folio) and the control of the changes experienced by their ownership, their liens, boundary modifications and remeasurements; ensuring that said records are computerized and that the cadastral location of the parcels is consistent with the literal description of the registered deeds. In the last 4 decades - with the support of the World Bank - convinced of the relationship between economic development and the expeditious exercise of property rights; support of efficient markets and for the functioning of price mechanisms; A series of projects have been implemented aimed at modernizing the real estate registration systems and the national cadastre, going so far as to integrate these competencies into the same entity since 1994. All of this is essential for the development of real estate markets, credit and insurance, financial markets for instruments derived from real estate, leasing markets and the construction sector, in general.
Real Estate Records; Cadastre; Efficient Markets; Economic Growth
How to Cite this Article:
Francisco Sorto Rivas. Modernization of the Real Property Registry and the National Cadastre in El Salvador: Strategic Importance. International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary. 2024: 3(2):148-151
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