International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2024;3(2):95-101
An Exploration of Health Care Worker Adherence on Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Bundle Interventions: A Quantitative Study at P.T. Birta City Hospital and Research Center Pvt. Ltd.
Author Name: Rosan Prasain, Arisetty Radha Prasain, Dikshya Nepal, Dr. Romi Budhathoki, andDr. Anil Kumar Basnet
Paper Type: research paper
Article Information
Background: The most prevalent hospital-acquired illness among patients in a critical care unit using mechanical ventilation is ventilator-associated pneumonia. The nurses in Intensive Care Units have been shown to be in the best position to apply their knowledge into practice since they provide nursing care to patients at their bedsides around-the-clock, which makes them crucial in preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP).This study aimed to assess the adherence of health care workers to ventilator associated pneumonia bundle intervention.
Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted using structured questionnaire among 50 health care workers working in the Intensive Care Units (ICU) of P.T. Birta City Hospital and Research Center Pvt. Ltd. Data was analyzed in terms of frequencies and percentage using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 23).
Results: Eighty percent of health care workers in the study demonstrated acceptable understanding and perception of ventilator associated pneumonia and VAP bundle interventions in accordance with hospital policy/guideline, and the total mean compliance rate for VAP bundle implementation was 91%.
Conclusion: There was acceptable level of adherence to the guidelines for preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in the intensive care units, however further observational studies are still required to assess the health care workers' adherence.
Adherence, Health Care Worker, ICU, Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia, VAP Bundles.
The ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) is one of the most common hospital-acquired risk associated with the patients on a Mechanical Ventilator (MV) which can be preventable by incorporating the VAP care bundle as a daily routine component of care in the ventilator patient’s in ICU, and can be considered as a nursing-sensitive indicator that reflects patient outcomes [1]. The problem of providing appropriate ventilation with minimal difficulties is crucial, as the lungs are typically one of the principal organs involved in multiple organ failure. With a crude mortality rate of about 30%, nosocomial pneumonia is one of the most common hospital-acquired infection-related causes of death. One type of infection that patients on mechanical ventilation can develop is called ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) [1]. In order to reduce the negative impact of VAP, the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI) has suggested the use of "Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) Bundles of Care." This bundle includes several measures, such as preventing deep vein thrombosis (DVT), maintaining oral hygiene with Chlorhexidine, conducting spontaneous breathing tests, taking breaks from sedation, preventing peptic ulcers, and keeping the patient's head elevated at an angle of 30° to 45°. According to the Institute of Healthcare Improvement, this initiative has successfully stopped more than 122,000 fatalities and reduced the length of hospital stays and reliance on mechanical breathing. [1]. To completely eliminate cases of Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia (VAP), a compliance rate of over 95% with the VAP bundle is often necessary [2]. Regular assessments of the medical and nursing personnel are also recommended to improve long-term adherence. However, despite implementing this approach, VAP still remains the most common form of hospital-acquired pneumonia [3]. The health care worker working in critical care units are supposed to deliver high quality care by incorporating evidence-based practices related to VAP prevention [4]. Studies have mentioned that despite having many evidence-based guidelines on VAP prevention; lack of knowledge and compliance in nursing practices is a noticeable cause of VAP [5, 6]. This study aimed to assess the adherence of healthcare personnel regarding VAP prevention strategies and the VAP bundle.
To measure ICU health care workers’ understanding and perceptions of VAP in P.T. Birta City Hospital and Research Center Pvt. Ltd. To measure ICU health care workers adherence to VAP bundle implementation in different ICU's of P.T Birta city Hospital and Research Center Pvt. Ltd.
How to Cite this Article:
Rosan Prasain, Arisetty Radha Prasain, Dikshya Nepal, Dr. Romi Budhathoki and, Dr. Anil Kumar Basnet. An Exploration of Health Care Worker Adherence on Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Bundle Interventions: A Quantitative Study at P.T. Birta City Hospital and Research Center Pvt. Ltd.. International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary. 2024: 3(2):95-101
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