
International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary

International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2023;2(3):15-19

Igbo Traditional Leadership: Addressing Nigeria's Kleptocracy Challenge for Sustainable Development and Social Progress

Author Name: Ignatius Nnaemeka Onwuatuegwu, Nkemjika Bernardine Nwagu


This paper explores the kleptocracy challenge faced by Nigeria and proposes the adoption of the Igbo-African traditional leadership style as a potential solution. Kleptocracy, characterized by widespread corruption and misappropriation of public resources, has hindered Nigeria's progress and development. By examining the Igbo-African traditional leadership style, rooted in the cultural heritage and values of the Igbo people, this paper seeks to uncover how this alternative leadership approach can effectively address corruption and promote good governance. The findings suggest that embracing the Igbo-African traditional leadership style may offer a promising strategy to combat kleptocracy and contribute to Nigeria's socio-economic advancement.


Igbo-African, Traditional leadership, Nigeria, Kleptocracy, Challenge