
International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary

International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2024;3(2):186-195

Endometrial Cancer: Radiotherapy Treatment

Author Name: Virginia A.Cirolla;   L.Frati;   G.Scarzello;  

1. UOC Radiotherapy, La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy

2. UOC Oncology, La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

3. Director IOV Padua, University of Padua, Italy


The observational study we carried out examines 13 patients affected by K endometrium and subjected to endocavitary HDR treatment after exeretic and OT treatment. Patients underwent HDR; High dose rate brachytherapy (BRT-HDR) endouterine 21 Gy (17-28 Gy) involves a number of sessions varying from 1 to 6, repeated 2 - 7 days apart and with an overall duration for each single session of a few minutes, preceded by the treatment plan preparation procedure. (Centering CT)

GU G3 99% vs 100% p ns GU G4 99% vs 100% p ns 2 patients developed toxicity GU G3-4 GI G3 99% vs 99% p ns GI G4 100% vs 98% p ns 3 patients developed toxicity GI G3-4. Patients are checked 1 month after the end of treatment and symptoms and side effects are monitored. The therapeutic response to treatment and control of the disease over time is good; short-term relapses are absent. Follow-up and instrumental and inspection videos at 1 month, 3,6 12 months (MRI, CT/PET).


Adenocarcinoma, Eendometrial cancer, Histotype, Radiotherapy, Menopausal Woman.