International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2024;3(2):186-195
Endometrial Cancer: Radiotherapy Treatment
Author Name: Virginia A.Cirolla; L.Frati; G.Scarzello;
The observational study we carried out examines 13 patients affected by K endometrium and subjected to endocavitary HDR treatment after exeretic and OT treatment. Patients underwent HDR; High dose rate brachytherapy (BRT-HDR) endouterine 21 Gy (17-28 Gy) involves a number of sessions varying from 1 to 6, repeated 2 - 7 days apart and with an overall duration for each single session of a few minutes, preceded by the treatment plan preparation procedure. (Centering CT)
GU G3 99% vs 100% p ns GU G4 99% vs 100% p ns 2 patients developed toxicity GU G3-4 GI G3 99% vs 99% p ns GI G4 100% vs 98% p ns 3 patients developed toxicity GI G3-4. Patients are checked 1 month after the end of treatment and symptoms and side effects are monitored. The therapeutic response to treatment and control of the disease over time is good; short-term relapses are absent. Follow-up and instrumental and inspection videos at 1 month, 3,6 12 months (MRI, CT/PET).
Adenocarcinoma, Eendometrial cancer, Histotype, Radiotherapy, Menopausal Woman.