International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2024;3(5):29-36
Essential Digital Education Required by Agrarian Community Members in the Use of Electronic Resources for Enhancing Marketing of Goods and Services
Author Name: Dr. Abraham Y. Gana; Ahmed Aliyu; Cyprian U K;
Paper Type: research paper
Article Information
This study identifies digital education required by community members in the use of e-resources for enhancing the marketing of goods and services. To achieve these objectives, three research questions guided the study. The study adopted an action group design supported by the practices in the industry model. The population for the study was 75 comprising: 30 hi-tech Bank Officials from commercial banks (Marketing Units), 15 Lecturers of Business Education, and 30 digitally medium business entrepreneurs. A purposive sampling technique will be adopted for selecting e-bankers and e-entrepreneurs with certain criteria. The instrument for data collection will be a structured questionnaire on e-resources in business. Three experts will validate the instrument while Cronbach's alpha reliability method will be used to ascertain the internal consistency of the items. Weighted mean will be involved in answering the research questions while analysis of variance (ANOVA) will be used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of probability.
Community, agrarian Education, Electronic, Resources, Marketing, Goods, Services
How to Cite this Article:
Dr. Abraham Y. Gana, Ahmed Aliyu, Cyprian U K. Essential Digital Education Required by Agrarian Community Members in the Use of Electronic Resources for Enhancing Marketing of Goods and Services. International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary. 2024: 3(5):29-36
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