
International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary

International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2024;3(6):163-170

Modernization of Real Estate and Mortgage Registry, Cadastral Property and Construction Permits for Salvadoran Economic Development

Author Name: Francisco Sorto Rivas;  

1. Professor (Finance), Faculty of Graduate and Continuing Education, Higher Institute of Economics and Business Administration, El Salvador

Paper Type: research paper
Article Information
Paper Received on: 2024-09-15
Paper Accepted on: 2024-10-19
Paper Published on: 2024-12-27

This paper highlights some recent regulatory, operational, and technological improvements in real estate registration and cadastral surveys to promote national economic development, consistent with the digital transformation policy. Respect for property rights in general and real estate rights, in particular, are fundamental for economic development; At the same time, transaction costs affect the efficiency of markets, in such a way that the modernization of real estate registration and cadastre systems are a sine qua nonconditional to boost the economy, this effort being incomplete if they are not improved. response times to obtain construction permits, to add value to real estate assets, and not only costs, both explicit (procedure costs) and implicit (opportunity costs of keeping capital tied up for long periods). Regarding the first aspect, the National Registry Center (CNR) is rapidly simplifying registration procedures and improving the quality of registration information; while, in terms of construction procedures, a single window can be implemented with the support of the CNR, to reduce response times and interoperability between the databases of the entities involved in its granting; pending resolution of restrictions that require public resources. These will be critical aspects for public management in the next five years when the Government announces that it will promote policies that favor economic growth.


Real Property Registry, Catastre, Construction Permit Procedures; Transaction Costs; Economic Growth

How to Cite this Article:

Francisco Sorto Rivas. Modernization of Real Estate and Mortgage Registry, Cadastral Property and Construction Permits for Salvadoran Economic Development. International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary. 2024: 3(6):163-170

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