International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2024;3(3):101-105
Study on the Role of Plants in Air Purification and Some Anti Pollutant Plants
Author Name: Dr. Prerna Soni; Dr. Shobha Gawri;
Paper Type: research paper
Article Information
Plants play a crucial role in combating pollution by absorbing pollutants, purifying the air, and improving overall environmental quality. Although air-purifying plants have the ability to absorb pollutants and enhance indoor air quality, there has been an increase in research on these plants. The ultimate objective of several studies has been to find plants that are capable of efficiently eliminating common indoor air contaminants such as trichloroethylene, carbon mono oxide, formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, and xylene. We have obtained some 20 plants commonly studied for their air-purifying properties. The plant species known for their air-purifying properties were selected from different areas. They have the capacity to remove toxins and improve air quality, which has led to further research in this area. When using these plants to purify the air, it's important to take into account many elements such as the size of the space, the quantity of plants, and the kind and concentration of pollutants present. The present study signifies the need of the systematic confirmation of anti-pollutant plants. This will not only offer recognition of this useful information but will also support in protection of such steadily important plants to cure environmental pollution.
Air Purifying Plants, indoor air contaminants, anti-pollutants
How to Cite this Article:
Dr. Prerna Soni, Dr. Shobha Gawri. Study on the Role of Plants in Air Purification and Some Anti Pollutant Plants. International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary. 2024: 3(3):101-105
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