International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2024;3(3):71-74
An Integrated Approach in Hepatitis B: A Case Study
Author Name: Hari Sharan Aryal; Rama Bhandari; Sanju Bhusal; Bijaya Puri;
Paper Type: case report
Article Information
Introduction: Liver, the largest organ of human body, is located in the right upper quadrant of abdomen, beneath the diaphragm. Inflammation of liver cells by any cause resulting in elevated liver function markers is known as hepatitis. Hepatitis B is a DNA virus which falls under Hepadna group. It is transmitted through blood, saliva, sexual contact, vertical route (HBsAg positive mother) and chronic infection. Present case was studied and aimed to evaluate the efficacy of ayurvedic and allopathic principles in an integrated way for the management of Hepatitis B.
Material and methods: A 31 yrs. old male patient, presented to Kayachikitsa OPD of Naturecare Hospital, Kathmandu with the known case of Hepatitis B. Associated symptoms like loss of weight, poor appetite, nausea and severe body pain was present. After detailed history taking, careful clinical examination, laboratory investigation, management was planned with proper diet and drug adjustment. Based on the principles of ayurveda and allopathic system, Cap. Liv 52 HB, Tab. Nirocil and Tab. Entecavir was prescribed.
Conclusion: Medicine showed remarkable reduction in Hepatitis B virus-viral load (quantitative), alpha fetoprotein HBsAg within 6 months of medication signifying the excellence and effectiveness of integrated approac the management of Hepatitis B.
Liver, Hepatitis B., Yakritshoth, Ayurveda, Allopath
How to Cite this Article:
Hari Sharan Aryal, Rama Bhandari, Sanju Bhusal, Bijaya Puri. An Integrated Approach in Hepatitis B: A Case Study. International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary. 2024: 3(3):71-74
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