
International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary

International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2024;3(3):07-14

A Study on Comparative Analysis of Various Leadership Styles with Specific Reference to Present India

Author Name: Dr. Prithvi Raj Sanyal;   Sunita Kumari;   Dr. Kartikey Bhardwaj;  

1. Associate Professor, Department of Management, Invertis University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India

2. Assistant Professor, Shriram Institute of Management and Technology PG college, Kashipur, Uttarakhand, India

3. Assistant Professor, Shriram Institute of Management and Technology PG college, Kashipur, Uttarakhand, India

Paper Type: research paper
Article Information
Paper Received on: 2024-03-29
Paper Accepted on: 2024-05-02
Paper Published on: 2024-05-08


Competitive Modal, Leadership, Styles, Socialistic democracy


The term, ‘leadership’ is Associated with many words such as; ability, knowledgeable, courageous, powerful, honest, voice of followers, but in the present context word ‘cunning’ is seems to be very popular and second word is ‘shrewd’, in olden world, leader was known as revolutionary or king or queen of country mean the head of state known as monarchy, but at present world monarchy system is in practice in UK, Jordan ,Bahrain or few other small counties, now everyone wants parity and freedom no dominance, but leader always try to dominate that’s why they are called leader. There was socialistic era before that there was freedom struggle to throw out colonial rule from India. The leader played very important role to get mother land free from British rule. The leader plays very important role in shaping the society. The honest and capable leader can transform the society and dishonest and incapable leader can make the society equal to hell. Every leader has some followers, leader has his/her own style, the style of leader sometimes suits to followers and sometimes the followers dislike the style of leader and they change the leadership many often. Leaders choose their functioning style keeping in mind the need of followers, but in country like India leader plays with the sentiments of their followers to be in the power. The present era, all over the world is capitalist era, the capitalist is dominating the leadership in one or another form, in fact, society is run and controlled by capitalist where many social issues are put in cold storage. Society suffers a lot due to dishonest and corrupt leadership, under corrupt leadership, society cannot make progress, society needs an honest, vibrant and heart felt capable leader, free from capitalist control which is very difficult task. Let’s see who will bell the cat first keeping in mind the depleting resources of world and increasing load of population all over globe.

How to Cite this Article:

Dr. Prithvi Raj Sanyal, Sunita Kumari, Dr. Kartikey Bhardwaj. A Study on Comparative Analysis of Various Leadership Styles with Specific Reference to Present India. International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary. 2024: 3(3):07-14

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