International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2024;3(2):29-33
Studying the Attitudes of Iraqi Athletics Club Players towards Nutritional Supplements and Stimulants
Author Name: Laith Hasan Jawir, Ali Abdulameer Hussein, and Abbas Khaleel Mohmmed
Paper Type: research paper
Article Information
The goal of the current study was for the player to maintain stable fluid levels in the body and replenish the energy stores of glycogen in the liver before the player stops eating during the night, and to control fluid levels in the body and reduce hunger to a minimum for the players. The research hypothesis was: what substance should an athlete take on the day of competition, and should some liquids or foods be consumed during competition to compensate for what is lost? Accordingly, the researchers used the descriptive approach in the intentional study method because it was appropriate to the nature of the research problem and accordingly, the researchers selected their research sample in the intentional method, which represented some of the Iraqi athletics clubs represented by the elite clubs, whose players obtain the majority of the top three positions in the Iraqi athletics club championships, which number 5 clubs, namely (Army Club - Police Club - Al-Hashd Club - Al-Mina Club - Al-Hilla Club).In their research tools, the researchers used Arab and foreign sources and references, as well as a questionnaire form, as well as their long experiences in the field of athletics and clubs. The researchers have reached the most important conclusions of their research, which is that some players and athletes, some of whom are not fully aware of the nutrients needed to build their bodies and nourish them appropriately, and some athletes tend to eat foods randomly and inappropriately at times, and some athletes take steroids and are not fully aware of their harm, punishments, and deprivation of competition. Therefore, researchers recommend the most important recommendations that serve the game, which are informing players of the nutrients necessary to build their bodies and what the body needs before, during and after sports competitions, giving players special schedules prepared by the medical staff for them that include the appropriate foods and the times of taking them, and giving scientific lectures on the effect of stimulants on the body and the bad conditions that accompany their intake. In the player's future.
Nutritional, supplements and stimulants
How to Cite this Article:
Laith Hasan Jawir, Ali Abdulameer Hussein and, Abbas Khaleel Mohmmed. Studying the Attitudes of Iraqi Athletics Club Players towards Nutritional Supplements and Stimulants. International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary. 2024: 3(2):29-33
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