
International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary

International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2023;2(6):37-40

The Significance of Education Stipulation for NEP-2020

Author Name: Lachhman Singh


A significant breakthrough in India, along with COVID-19, was the formulation of the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020. The budget for education ought to be raised to 6% of GDP, as numerous bodies have consistently recommended. This has raised concerns among scholars. This paper first provides an overview of NEP-2020, highlighting its advantages and disadvantages for higher education and research, evaluating the policy's implementation recommendations, and identifying and analyzing potential general implementation strategies based on focus group discussions. Additionally, a number of predictions are made on a wide range of topics in the paper, including the establishment of prestigious colleges and universities, the merger and reorganization of establishments, the promotion of more comprehensive and multidisciplinary education, the creation of the best learning environment and student support systems, modifications to the laws governing higher education, the use and integration of technology, and the accessibility of online and digital learning. In the end, some recommendations are provided for carrying out the NEP-2020 successfully in spite of many challenges.


New Education Policy, Higher Education, Accomplishment Strategy, Indian advanced Schooling Organization, Investigate and Advance Center, College Level, Schooling