
International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary

International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2023;2(4):38-44

Frequency of ABO Blood Groups and Rh factor Among the Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Patients at Nangarhar University Teaching Hospital

Author Name: Dr. Saifullah Hadi


Background: It is expected that type 2 diabetes is hereditarily determined by ABO blood groups and phenotypic documentation of Rh factor is often related with type 2 diabetes. This will be useful for those with blood types who are susceptible to to self-care by evading other blood types. Risk factors and taking preventive methods. Our Aim is Frequency of ABO and Rh blood groups among the diabetes mellitus type 2.


Materials and Methods: The Nangarhar University Teaching Hospital internal medical ward conducted a hospital-based cross-sectional study from 1400 to 1401.During this period, 1,000 diabetic type 2 patients were referred, of which 278 patients were selected according to ABO blood groups and Rh factor, and we detected their ABO blood group and Rh factor. We used the Direct Slide and test tube procedures were used to determine the ABO blood group and Rh factor. The fully automated clinical chemistry analyzer from micro lab, model 300, was used to measure biochemical parameters. IBM SPSS version 26 statistical software was used to analyses the data.


Results: We studied 1000 diabetes mellitus type 2 patients, of which 278(27.8%) patients were selected. In terms of gender, 167 (60, 07%) (16.7) patients were female and 111(39.93%) (11.1%) patients were male. Minimum age was 50 years old, maximum age was, 85-year-old, mean age was 56.92 and ST. D was (56.924 ± 8.155). (CI 95%, Marginal error 5%, Population proportion 50%, Sample size 278). According to ABO blood group DM type- 2, B+82(29.5%), A+75(26.98%), O+68(24.46%), AB+44(15.83%), A-3(1.08%), B-2(0.72%), AB-2(0. 72%).O-2(0.72%). According to Rh, blood group DM type -2, 259(93.17%) were Rh+ and 19 (6.83%) were Rh -.


Conclusions: The purpose of this study was to find out how common ABO blood group and Rh factor are in people with type 2 diabetes. This will be helpful for people with different blood types who can take care of themselves by avoiding people with different blood types. Risk elements and using preventative measures.  Prevalence of type 2 DM is more in B+ blood group.  Rh + is riskier for type 2 DM. and 50years old is modest for type2 DM. females is more predispose to type2 DM


type 2DM, ABO blood groups, Rh factor, age and gender