
International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary

International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2024;3(3):114-116

Unweaving the Cyber Attack - The Cyber Kill Chain Analysis

Author Name: Ranjan Banerjee;   Debmalya Mukherjee;   Partha Shankar Nayak;   Shuvrajit Nath;   Most Mahabuba Islam;  

1. Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Brainware University, West Bengal, India

2. Assistant Professor, Department of Computational Sciences, Brainware University, West Bengal, India

3. Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Brainware University, West Bengal, India

4. Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Brainware University, West Bengal, India

5. Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Brainware University, West Bengal, India


The path followed by an intruder to penetrate information systems over time to develop incident response and analyze capabilities to execute an attack on the victim can be described by a Cyber Kill Chain model, resulting in remarkable disruptive effects on organizations. It is an intrusion-centric model that was the base of cyber security and has been widely used by the security community to describe the different stages of cyber-attacks. Still, for pro-active network defense, early detection of cyber threats is critical to protect against data, financial, and reputation loss that large-scale security breaches could cause. Cyber threat hunting activities are time-consuming, and in-depth analysis and continuous monitoring of related systems and network events are required to achieve the objective, thus becoming critical for inside-out security.


Network Security, malicious intruders, Data Security, Cyber-attack, Denial of Service, Kill chain, Threat model