International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2024;3(3):114-116
Unweaving the Cyber Attack - The Cyber Kill Chain Analysis
Author Name: Ranjan Banerjee; Debmalya Mukherjee; Partha Shankar Nayak; Shuvrajit Nath; Most Mahabuba Islam;
The path followed by an intruder to penetrate information systems over time to develop incident response and analyze capabilities to execute an attack on the victim can be described by a Cyber Kill Chain model, resulting in remarkable disruptive effects on organizations. It is an intrusion-centric model that was the base of cyber security and has been widely used by the security community to describe the different stages of cyber-attacks. Still, for pro-active network defense, early detection of cyber threats is critical to protect against data, financial, and reputation loss that large-scale security breaches could cause. Cyber threat hunting activities are time-consuming, and in-depth analysis and continuous monitoring of related systems and network events are required to achieve the objective, thus becoming critical for inside-out security.
Network Security, malicious intruders, Data Security, Cyber-attack, Denial of Service, Kill chain, Threat model