
International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary

International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary, 2024;3(3):15-21

E-Governance in Right to Information Act: Importance, Scope, Positive and Negative Implications

Author Name: Aradhya Bindal;  

1. IIIrd Year BA LL. B (Hons.) Student, Symbiosis Law School, Pune, Maharashtra, India


This paper focuses on how the objective of good governance can be achieved by integrating the e-governance mechanism in the Right to Information law (herein after referred to as RTI). The mechanism of e-governance refers to the use of technology to make government services more available, efficient, and effective. The success of these efforts to improve Indian government hinges on overcoming a number of obstacles. These challenges include a need for more awareness, inadequate infrastructure, privacy concerns and bureaucratic red tape. To overcome these challenges, the government should invest in digital infrastructure, simplify processes, increase public awareness, strengthen legal frameworks, enhance capacity building, and protect data privacy. By overcoming these challenges, one can ensure greater transparency, accountability, and citizen participation. The RTI legislation in India has been in place since 2005, but we have yet to be able to use it to maximum benefit. E-governance is one of the ways to use RTI to its full potential. Doctrinal Methodology (via secondary sources) is used to reach this verdict. The E-governance mechanism ensures maximum access and faster response from the authorities. E-governance in RTI fulfils the larger purpose of RTI, which is good governance. This paper will discuss the legality, working and lacunae in law for integrating e-governance mechanisms in RTI. It also aims to compare the e-governance mechanism of various countries, such as but not limited to Sweden and the UK and discuss what India can learn from the same. This paper will benefit researchers, policymakers and the general public in understanding the concept of e-governance with RTI holistically.


Artificial intelligence, digital, e-governance, right to information